Monday 2 December 2013

December Gardening Calender

December is a Busy Month so Get Started Early!


Continue watering once or twice a week in dry hot weather.  

  • Feed twice a month with a liquid fertiliser. 

  • Dead-head regularly.   

  • Be on the look out for the tell-tale signs of red spider. 

  • Put out bait for slugs and snails.
 Sow the following seeds for colour in the late summer:
  • Alyssum
  • Bedding Dahlia
  • Dwarf Marigold 
  • Californian Poppy 
  • Candytuft (Iberis)
  • Portulaca
  • Tagetes
  •  Nasturtium 
  • The Amaryllis Caterpillar is now active!  Watch out for them and treat your plants.
  • Plant Nerine bulbs for Autumn coulor.
  • Gladioli can still be planted.
  • Split your overgrown Irises

We have the following plants in stock which can still be planted in your garden this month:

  • Begonia

  • Shasta daisy (Chrysanthemum maximum)
  • Foxglove (Digitalis)
  • Felicia amelloides

  • Gazania

  • Lobelia cardinalis

  • Obedience plant (Physostegia)

  • Viola odorata
 Cut back old leaves and flower stems of your Acanthus's.  Lift the bulbs and divide them if necessary.   Feed each group with 2:3:2 fertilizer, mulch with a 10 cm layer of compost and water weekly.


  • Continue with a regular spraying for fungal problems.  
  • Feed with 8:1:5 fertiliser  
  • Mulch with well-rotted, old manure around each plant, keeping it well away from the stem.
  • Mow  kikuyu twice a week. 
  • Lift the lawn-mower blades to allow the grass to grow slightly longer as protection from heat and wind.
  •   Feed your lawns with a high nitrogen fertiliser to enhance leaf growth.

  • Water every week during dry weather.
  • Mulch the ground with compost.
  • Spray for fruit fly and coddling moth, being very careful to observe the necessary safety period. 
  • Collect and dispose of all fallen fruit to prevent fruit fly breeding. 
  • When the fruit has been picked, feed with a 6:1:5 fertiliser at the rate of about 100 grams for young trees and up to 200 grams for older trees. 
  • Excessive leaf growth shades the tree causing poor fruit development. Reduce the amount of fertiliser if this occurs.
  • Citrus - feed each tree with 3:1:5 fertiliser.   Mulch and water well every three weeks in dry weather.
  • Strawberries - feed with liquid manure when the last fruits have been harvested.


  • Prune spring flowering shrubs.  
  • Prune climbers like. 
  • Cut back Santolinas and trim Lemon Verbena after flowering.

The Team at Bloempark Nursery

082 518 1759

Vist our FaceBook Page for updates on new stock and Specials:

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